IOrderedDictionary<TKey, TValue>
Represents a generic collection of key/value pairs that are ordered independently of the key and value.
Assembly: ServiceStack.Api.OpenApi.dll
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public interface IOrderedDictionary<TKey, TValue> : IOrderedDictionary, IDictionary, ICollection, IDictionary<TKey, TValue>, ICollection<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>, IEnumerable
Gets or sets the value at the specified index.
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TValue this[int index] { get; set; }
Add(TKey, TValue)
Adds an entry with the specified key and value into the ServiceStack.Api.OpenApi.Support.IOrderedDictionary%602?text=IOrderedDictionary%3cTKey%2cTValue%3e
collection with the lowest available index.
<p>You can also use the <xref href="System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary%7bTKey%2cTValue%7d.Item(TKey)" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref> property to add new elements by setting the value of a key that does not exist in the <xref href="ServiceStack.Api.OpenApi.Support.IOrderedDictionary%602?text=IOrderedDictionary%3cTKey%2cTValue%3e" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref> collection; however, if the specified key already exists in the <xref href="ServiceStack.Api.OpenApi.Support.IOrderedDictionary%602?text=IOrderedDictionary%3cTKey%2cTValue%3e" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>, setting the <xref href="Item(TKey)" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref> property overwrites the old value. In contrast, the <xref href="Add" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref> method does not modify existing elements.</p>
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int Add(TKey key, TValue value)
: The index of the newly added entry
<p>You can also use the <xref href="System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary%7bTKey%2cTValue%7d.Item(TKey)" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref> property to add new elements by setting the value of a key that does not exist in the <xref href="ServiceStack.Api.OpenApi.Support.IOrderedDictionary%602?text=IOrderedDictionary%3cTKey%2cTValue%3e" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref> collection; however, if the specified key already exists in the <xref href="ServiceStack.Api.OpenApi.Support.IOrderedDictionary%602?text=IOrderedDictionary%3cTKey%2cTValue%3e" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>, setting the <xref href="Item(TKey)" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref> property overwrites the old value. In contrast, the <xref href="Add" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref> method does not modify existing elements.</p>
Type | Name | Description |
<TKey> | key | The key of the entry to add. |
<p>You can also use the <xref href="System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary%7bTKey%2cTValue%7d.Item(TKey)" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref> property to add new elements by setting the value of a key that does not exist in the <xref href="ServiceStack.Api.OpenApi.Support.IOrderedDictionary%602?text=IOrderedDictionary%3cTKey%2cTValue%3e" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref> collection; however, if the specified key already exists in the <xref href="ServiceStack.Api.OpenApi.Support.IOrderedDictionary%602?text=IOrderedDictionary%3cTKey%2cTValue%3e" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>, setting the <xref href="Item(TKey)" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref> property overwrites the old value. In contrast, the <xref href="Add" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref> method does not modify existing elements.</p>
| <TValue>
| value | The value of the entry to add.
<p>You can also use the <xref href="System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary%7bTKey%2cTValue%7d.Item(TKey)" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref> property to add new elements by setting the value of a key that does not exist in the <xref href="ServiceStack.Api.OpenApi.Support.IOrderedDictionary%602?text=IOrderedDictionary%3cTKey%2cTValue%3e" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref> collection; however, if the specified key already exists in the <xref href="ServiceStack.Api.OpenApi.Support.IOrderedDictionary%602?text=IOrderedDictionary%3cTKey%2cTValue%3e" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>, setting the <xref href="Item(TKey)" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref> property overwrites the old value. In contrast, the <xref href="Add" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref> method does not modify existing elements.</p> |
Insert(Int32, TKey, TValue)
Inserts a new entry into the ServiceStack.Api.OpenApi.Support.IOrderedDictionary%602?text=IOrderedDictionary%3cTKey%2cTValue%3e
collection with the specified key and value at the specified index.
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void Insert(int index, TKey key, TValue value)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Int32 | index | The zero-based index at which the element should be inserted. |
| <TKey>
| key | The key of the entry to add.
| <TValue>
| value | The value of the entry to add. The value can be <null></null> if the type of the values in the dictionary is a reference type.