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Dapper, a light weight object mapper for ADO.NET

Assembly: ServiceStack.OrmLite.dll
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public static class SqlMapper : object



How should connection strings be compared for equivalence? Defaults to StringComparer.Ordinal. Providing a custom implementation can be useful for allowing multi-tenancy databases with identical schema to share strategies. Note that usual equivalence rules apply: any equivalent connection strings <strong>MUST</strong> yield the same hash-code.

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public static IEqualityComparer<string> ConnectionStringComparer { get; set; }



Gets type-map for the given type

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public static Func<Type, SqlMapper.ITypeMap> TypeMapProvider


QueryAsync(IDbConnection, String, Object, IDbTransaction, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Execute a query asynchronously using Task.

Note: each row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object>

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public static Task<IEnumerable<dynamic>> QueryAsync(this IDbConnection cnn, string sql, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)


IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

Note: each row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object> | | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute for the query. Note: each row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object> | | System.Object | param | The parameters to pass, if any. Note: each row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object> | | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use, if any. Note: each row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object> | | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | The command timeout (in seconds). Note: each row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object> | | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | The type of command to execute. Note: each row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object> |

QueryAsync(IDbConnection, CommandDefinition)

Execute a query asynchronously using Task.

Note: each row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object>

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public static Task<IEnumerable<dynamic>> QueryAsync(this IDbConnection cnn, CommandDefinition command)


IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

Note: each row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object> | | ServiceStack.OrmLite.Dapper.CommandDefinition | command | The command used to query on this connection. Note: each row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object> |

QueryFirstAsync(IDbConnection, CommandDefinition)

Execute a single-row query asynchronously using Task.

Note: the row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object>

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public static Task<dynamic> QueryFirstAsync(this IDbConnection cnn, CommandDefinition command)


IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

Note: the row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object> | | ServiceStack.OrmLite.Dapper.CommandDefinition | command | The command used to query on this connection. Note: the row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object> |

QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync(IDbConnection, CommandDefinition)

Execute a single-row query asynchronously using Task.

Note: the row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object>

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public static Task<dynamic> QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync(this IDbConnection cnn, CommandDefinition command)


IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

Note: the row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object> | | ServiceStack.OrmLite.Dapper.CommandDefinition | command | The command used to query on this connection. Note: the row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object> |

QuerySingleAsync(IDbConnection, CommandDefinition)

Execute a single-row query asynchronously using Task.

Note: the row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object>

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public static Task<dynamic> QuerySingleAsync(this IDbConnection cnn, CommandDefinition command)


IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

Note: the row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object> | | ServiceStack.OrmLite.Dapper.CommandDefinition | command | The command used to query on this connection. Note: the row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object> |

QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync(IDbConnection, CommandDefinition)

Execute a single-row query asynchronously using Task.

Note: the row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object>

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public static Task<dynamic> QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync(this IDbConnection cnn, CommandDefinition command)


IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

Note: the row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object> | | ServiceStack.OrmLite.Dapper.CommandDefinition | command | The command used to query on this connection. Note: the row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object> |

QueryAsync<T>(IDbConnection, String, Object, IDbTransaction, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Execute a query asynchronously using Task.

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public static Task<IEnumerable<T>> QueryAsync<T>(this IDbConnection cnn, string sql, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)

Task<IEnumerable<<T>>>: A sequence of data of <code data-dev-comment-type="typeparamref" class="typeparamref">T</code>; if a basic type (int, string, etc) is queried then the data from the first column in assumed, otherwise an instance is created per row, and a direct column-name===member-name mapping is assumed (case insensitive).

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute for the query.

| | System.Object | param | The parameters to pass, if any.

| | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use, if any.

| | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | The command timeout (in seconds).

| | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | The type of command to execute.


Type Parameters
TThe type of results to return.

QueryFirstAsync<T>(IDbConnection, String, Object, IDbTransaction, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Execute a single-row query asynchronously using Task.

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public static Task<T> QueryFirstAsync<T>(this IDbConnection cnn, string sql, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)


IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute for the query.

| | System.Object | param | The parameters to pass, if any.

| | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use, if any.

| | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | The command timeout (in seconds).

| | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | The type of command to execute.


Type Parameters
TThe type of result to return.

QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync<T>(IDbConnection, String, Object, IDbTransaction, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Execute a single-row query asynchronously using Task.

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public static Task<T> QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync<T>(this IDbConnection cnn, string sql, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)


IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute for the query.

| | System.Object | param | The parameters to pass, if any.

| | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use, if any.

| | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | The command timeout (in seconds).

| | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | The type of command to execute.


Type Parameters
TThe type of result to return.

QuerySingleAsync<T>(IDbConnection, String, Object, IDbTransaction, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Execute a single-row query asynchronously using Task.

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public static Task<T> QuerySingleAsync<T>(this IDbConnection cnn, string sql, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)


IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute for the query.

| | System.Object | param | The parameters to pass, if any.

| | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use, if any.

| | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | The command timeout (in seconds).

| | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | The type of command to execute.


Type Parameters
TThe type of result to return.

QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync<T>(IDbConnection, String, Object, IDbTransaction, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Execute a single-row query asynchronously using Task.

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public static Task<T> QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync<T>(this IDbConnection cnn, string sql, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)


IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute for the query.

| | System.Object | param | The parameters to pass, if any.

| | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use, if any.

| | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | The command timeout (in seconds).

| | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | The type of command to execute.


Type Parameters
TThe type to return.

QueryFirstAsync(IDbConnection, String, Object, IDbTransaction, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Execute a single-row query asynchronously using Task.

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public static Task<dynamic> QueryFirstAsync(this IDbConnection cnn, string sql, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)


IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute for the query.

| | System.Object | param | The parameters to pass, if any.

| | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use, if any.

| | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | The command timeout (in seconds).

| | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | The type of command to execute.


QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync(IDbConnection, String, Object, IDbTransaction, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Execute a single-row query asynchronously using Task.

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public static Task<dynamic> QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync(this IDbConnection cnn, string sql, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)


IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute for the query.

| | System.Object | param | The parameters to pass, if any.

| | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use, if any.

| | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | The command timeout (in seconds).

| | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | The type of command to execute.


QuerySingleAsync(IDbConnection, String, Object, IDbTransaction, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Execute a single-row query asynchronously using Task.

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public static Task<dynamic> QuerySingleAsync(this IDbConnection cnn, string sql, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)


IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute for the query.

| | System.Object | param | The parameters to pass, if any.

| | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use, if any.

| | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | The command timeout (in seconds).

| | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | The type of command to execute.


QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync(IDbConnection, String, Object, IDbTransaction, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Execute a single-row query asynchronously using Task.

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public static Task<dynamic> QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync(this IDbConnection cnn, string sql, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)


IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute for the query.

| | System.Object | param | The parameters to pass, if any.

| | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use, if any.

| | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | The command timeout (in seconds).

| | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | The type of command to execute.


QueryAsync(IDbConnection, Type, String, Object, IDbTransaction, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Execute a query asynchronously using Task.

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public static Task<IEnumerable<object>> QueryAsync(this IDbConnection cnn, Type type, string sql, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)


IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | Type | type | The type to return.

| | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute for the query.

| | System.Object | param | The parameters to pass, if any.

| | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use, if any.

| | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | The command timeout (in seconds).

| | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | The type of command to execute.


QueryFirstAsync(IDbConnection, Type, String, Object, IDbTransaction, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Execute a single-row query asynchronously using Task.

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public static Task<object> QueryFirstAsync(this IDbConnection cnn, Type type, string sql, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)


IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | Type | type | The type to return.

| | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute for the query.

| | System.Object | param | The parameters to pass, if any.

| | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use, if any.

| | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | The command timeout (in seconds).

| | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | The type of command to execute.


QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync(IDbConnection, Type, String, Object, IDbTransaction, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Execute a single-row query asynchronously using Task.

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public static Task<object> QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync(this IDbConnection cnn, Type type, string sql, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)


IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | Type | type | The type to return.

| | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute for the query.

| | System.Object | param | The parameters to pass, if any.

| | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use, if any.

| | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | The command timeout (in seconds).

| | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | The type of command to execute.


QuerySingleAsync(IDbConnection, Type, String, Object, IDbTransaction, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Execute a single-row query asynchronously using Task.

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public static Task<object> QuerySingleAsync(this IDbConnection cnn, Type type, string sql, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)


IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | Type | type | The type to return.

| | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute for the query.

| | System.Object | param | The parameters to pass, if any.

| | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use, if any.

| | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | The command timeout (in seconds).

| | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | The type of command to execute.


QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync(IDbConnection, Type, String, Object, IDbTransaction, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Execute a single-row query asynchronously using Task.

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public static Task<object> QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync(this IDbConnection cnn, Type type, string sql, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)


IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | Type | type | The type to return.

| | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute for the query.

| | System.Object | param | The parameters to pass, if any.

| | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use, if any.

| | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | The command timeout (in seconds).

| | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | The type of command to execute.


QueryAsync<T>(IDbConnection, CommandDefinition)

Execute a query asynchronously using Task.

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public static Task<IEnumerable<T>> QueryAsync<T>(this IDbConnection cnn, CommandDefinition command)

Task<IEnumerable<<T>>>: A sequence of data of <code data-dev-comment-type="typeparamref" class="typeparamref">T</code>; if a basic type (int, string, etc) is queried then the data from the first column in assumed, otherwise an instance is created per row, and a direct column-name===member-name mapping is assumed (case insensitive).

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | ServiceStack.OrmLite.Dapper.CommandDefinition | command | The command used to query on this connection.


Type Parameters
TThe type to return.

QueryAsync(IDbConnection, Type, CommandDefinition)

Execute a query asynchronously using Task.

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public static Task<IEnumerable<object>> QueryAsync(this IDbConnection cnn, Type type, CommandDefinition command)


IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | Type | type | The type to return.

| | ServiceStack.OrmLite.Dapper.CommandDefinition | command | The command used to query on this connection.


QueryFirstAsync(IDbConnection, Type, CommandDefinition)

Execute a single-row query asynchronously using Task.

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public static Task<object> QueryFirstAsync(this IDbConnection cnn, Type type, CommandDefinition command)


IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | Type | type | The type to return.

| | ServiceStack.OrmLite.Dapper.CommandDefinition | command | The command used to query on this connection.


QueryFirstAsync<T>(IDbConnection, CommandDefinition)

Execute a single-row query asynchronously using Task.

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public static Task<T> QueryFirstAsync<T>(this IDbConnection cnn, CommandDefinition command)


IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | ServiceStack.OrmLite.Dapper.CommandDefinition | command | The command used to query on this connection.


Type Parameters
TThe type to return.

QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync(IDbConnection, Type, CommandDefinition)

Execute a single-row query asynchronously using Task.

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public static Task<object> QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync(this IDbConnection cnn, Type type, CommandDefinition command)


IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | Type | type | The type to return.

| | ServiceStack.OrmLite.Dapper.CommandDefinition | command | The command used to query on this connection.


QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync<T>(IDbConnection, CommandDefinition)

Execute a single-row query asynchronously using Task.

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public static Task<T> QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync<T>(this IDbConnection cnn, CommandDefinition command)


IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | ServiceStack.OrmLite.Dapper.CommandDefinition | command | The command used to query on this connection.


Type Parameters
TThe type to return.

QuerySingleAsync(IDbConnection, Type, CommandDefinition)

Execute a single-row query asynchronously using Task.

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public static Task<object> QuerySingleAsync(this IDbConnection cnn, Type type, CommandDefinition command)


IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | Type | type | The type to return.

| | ServiceStack.OrmLite.Dapper.CommandDefinition | command | The command used to query on this connection.


QuerySingleAsync<T>(IDbConnection, CommandDefinition)

Execute a single-row query asynchronously using Task.

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public static Task<T> QuerySingleAsync<T>(this IDbConnection cnn, CommandDefinition command)


IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | ServiceStack.OrmLite.Dapper.CommandDefinition | command | The command used to query on this connection.


Type Parameters
TThe type to return.

QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync(IDbConnection, Type, CommandDefinition)

Execute a single-row query asynchronously using Task.

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public static Task<object> QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync(this IDbConnection cnn, Type type, CommandDefinition command)


IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | Type | type | The type to return.

| | ServiceStack.OrmLite.Dapper.CommandDefinition | command | The command used to query on this connection.


QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync<T>(IDbConnection, CommandDefinition)

Execute a single-row query asynchronously using Task.

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public static Task<T> QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync<T>(this IDbConnection cnn, CommandDefinition command)


IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | ServiceStack.OrmLite.Dapper.CommandDefinition | command | The command used to query on this connection.


Type Parameters
TThe type to return.

ExecuteAsync(IDbConnection, String, Object, IDbTransaction, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Execute a command asynchronously using Task.

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public static Task<int> ExecuteAsync(this IDbConnection cnn, string sql, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)

Task<System.Int32>: The number of rows affected.

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute for this query.

| | System.Object | param | The parameters to use for this query.

| | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use for this query.

| | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | Number of seconds before command execution timeout.

| | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | Is it a stored proc or a batch?


ExecuteAsync(IDbConnection, CommandDefinition)

Execute a command asynchronously using Task.

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public static Task<int> ExecuteAsync(this IDbConnection cnn, CommandDefinition command)

Task<System.Int32>: The number of rows affected.

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to execute on.

| | ServiceStack.OrmLite.Dapper.CommandDefinition | command | The command to execute on this connection.


QueryAsync<TFirst, TSecond, TReturn>(IDbConnection, String, Func<TFirst, TSecond, TReturn>, Object, IDbTransaction, Boolean, String, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Perform a asynchronous multi-mapping query with 2 input types. This returns a single type, combined from the raw types via <code data-dev-comment-type="paramref" class="paramref">map</code>.

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public static Task<IEnumerable<TReturn>> QueryAsync<TFirst, TSecond, TReturn>(this IDbConnection cnn, string sql, Func<TFirst, TSecond, TReturn> map, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, bool buffered = true, string splitOn = "Id", int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)

Task<IEnumerable<<TReturn>>>: An enumerable of <code data-dev-comment-type="typeparamref" class="typeparamref">TReturn</code>.

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute for this query.

| | Func<<TFirst>,<TSecond>,<TReturn>> | map | The function to map row types to the return type.

| | System.Object | param | The parameters to use for this query.

| | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use for this query.

| | System.Boolean | buffered | Whether to buffer the results in memory.

| | System.String | splitOn | The field we should split and read the second object from (default: "Id").

| | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | Number of seconds before command execution timeout.

| | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | Is it a stored proc or a batch?


Type Parameters
TFirstThe first type in the recordset.
TSecondThe second type in the recordset.
TReturnThe combined type to return.

QueryAsync<TFirst, TSecond, TReturn>(IDbConnection, CommandDefinition, Func<TFirst, TSecond, TReturn>, String)

Perform a asynchronous multi-mapping query with 2 input types. This returns a single type, combined from the raw types via <code data-dev-comment-type="paramref" class="paramref">map</code>.

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public static Task<IEnumerable<TReturn>> QueryAsync<TFirst, TSecond, TReturn>(this IDbConnection cnn, CommandDefinition command, Func<TFirst, TSecond, TReturn> map, string splitOn = "Id")

Task<IEnumerable<<TReturn>>>: An enumerable of <code data-dev-comment-type="typeparamref" class="typeparamref">TReturn</code>.

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | ServiceStack.OrmLite.Dapper.CommandDefinition | command | The command to execute.

| | Func<<TFirst>,<TSecond>,<TReturn>> | map | The function to map row types to the return type.

| | System.String | splitOn | The field we should split and read the second object from (default: "Id").


Type Parameters
TFirstThe first type in the recordset.
TSecondThe second type in the recordset.
TReturnThe combined type to return.

QueryAsync<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TReturn>(IDbConnection, String, Func<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TReturn>, Object, IDbTransaction, Boolean, String, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Perform a asynchronous multi-mapping query with 3 input types. This returns a single type, combined from the raw types via <code data-dev-comment-type="paramref" class="paramref">map</code>.

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public static Task<IEnumerable<TReturn>> QueryAsync<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TReturn>(this IDbConnection cnn, string sql, Func<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TReturn> map, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, bool buffered = true, string splitOn = "Id", int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)

Task<IEnumerable<<TReturn>>>: An enumerable of <code data-dev-comment-type="typeparamref" class="typeparamref">TReturn</code>.

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute for this query.

| | Func<<TFirst>,<TSecond>,<TThird>,<TReturn>> | map | The function to map row types to the return type.

| | System.Object | param | The parameters to use for this query.

| | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use for this query.

| | System.Boolean | buffered | Whether to buffer the results in memory.

| | System.String | splitOn | The field we should split and read the second object from (default: "Id").

| | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | Number of seconds before command execution timeout.

| | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | Is it a stored proc or a batch?


Type Parameters
TFirstThe first type in the recordset.
TSecondThe second type in the recordset.
TThirdThe third type in the recordset.
TReturnThe combined type to return.

QueryAsync<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TReturn>(IDbConnection, CommandDefinition, Func<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TReturn>, String)

Perform a asynchronous multi-mapping query with 3 input types. This returns a single type, combined from the raw types via <code data-dev-comment-type="paramref" class="paramref">map</code>.

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public static Task<IEnumerable<TReturn>> QueryAsync<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TReturn>(this IDbConnection cnn, CommandDefinition command, Func<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TReturn> map, string splitOn = "Id")

Task<IEnumerable<<TReturn>>>: An enumerable of <code data-dev-comment-type="typeparamref" class="typeparamref">TReturn</code>.

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | ServiceStack.OrmLite.Dapper.CommandDefinition | command | The command to execute.

| | Func<<TFirst>,<TSecond>,<TThird>,<TReturn>> | map | The function to map row types to the return type.

| | System.String | splitOn | The field we should split and read the second object from (default: "Id").


Type Parameters
TFirstThe first type in the recordset.
TSecondThe second type in the recordset.
TThirdThe third type in the recordset.
TReturnThe combined type to return.

QueryAsync<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TFourth, TReturn>(IDbConnection, String, Func<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TFourth, TReturn>, Object, IDbTransaction, Boolean, String, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Perform a asynchronous multi-mapping query with 4 input types. This returns a single type, combined from the raw types via <code data-dev-comment-type="paramref" class="paramref">map</code>.

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public static Task<IEnumerable<TReturn>> QueryAsync<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TFourth, TReturn>(this IDbConnection cnn, string sql, Func<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TFourth, TReturn> map, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, bool buffered = true, string splitOn = "Id", int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)

Task<IEnumerable<<TReturn>>>: An enumerable of <code data-dev-comment-type="typeparamref" class="typeparamref">TReturn</code>.

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute for this query.

| | Func<<TFirst>,<TSecond>,<TThird>,<TFourth>,<TReturn>> | map | The function to map row types to the return type.

| | System.Object | param | The parameters to use for this query.

| | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use for this query.

| | System.Boolean | buffered | Whether to buffer the results in memory.

| | System.String | splitOn | The field we should split and read the second object from (default: "Id").

| | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | Number of seconds before command execution timeout.

| | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | Is it a stored proc or a batch?


Type Parameters
TFirstThe first type in the recordset.
TSecondThe second type in the recordset.
TThirdThe third type in the recordset.
TFourthThe fourth type in the recordset.
TReturnThe combined type to return.

QueryAsync<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TFourth, TReturn>(IDbConnection, CommandDefinition, Func<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TFourth, TReturn>, String)

Perform a asynchronous multi-mapping query with 4 input types. This returns a single type, combined from the raw types via <code data-dev-comment-type="paramref" class="paramref">map</code>.

View Source
public static Task<IEnumerable<TReturn>> QueryAsync<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TFourth, TReturn>(this IDbConnection cnn, CommandDefinition command, Func<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TFourth, TReturn> map, string splitOn = "Id")

Task<IEnumerable<<TReturn>>>: An enumerable of <code data-dev-comment-type="typeparamref" class="typeparamref">TReturn</code>.

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | ServiceStack.OrmLite.Dapper.CommandDefinition | command | The command to execute.

| | Func<<TFirst>,<TSecond>,<TThird>,<TFourth>,<TReturn>> | map | The function to map row types to the return type.

| | System.String | splitOn | The field we should split and read the second object from (default: "Id").


Type Parameters
TFirstThe first type in the recordset.
TSecondThe second type in the recordset.
TThirdThe third type in the recordset.
TFourthThe fourth type in the recordset.
TReturnThe combined type to return.

QueryAsync<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TFourth, TFifth, TReturn>(IDbConnection, String, Func<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TFourth, TFifth, TReturn>, Object, IDbTransaction, Boolean, String, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Perform a asynchronous multi-mapping query with 5 input types. This returns a single type, combined from the raw types via <code data-dev-comment-type="paramref" class="paramref">map</code>.

View Source
public static Task<IEnumerable<TReturn>> QueryAsync<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TFourth, TFifth, TReturn>(this IDbConnection cnn, string sql, Func<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TFourth, TFifth, TReturn> map, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, bool buffered = true, string splitOn = "Id", int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)

Task<IEnumerable<<TReturn>>>: An enumerable of <code data-dev-comment-type="typeparamref" class="typeparamref">TReturn</code>.

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute for this query.

| | Func<<TFirst>,<TSecond>,<TThird>,<TFourth>,<TFifth>,<TReturn>> | map | The function to map row types to the return type.

| | System.Object | param | The parameters to use for this query.

| | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use for this query.

| | System.Boolean | buffered | Whether to buffer the results in memory.

| | System.String | splitOn | The field we should split and read the second object from (default: "Id").

| | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | Number of seconds before command execution timeout.

| | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | Is it a stored proc or a batch?


Type Parameters
TFirstThe first type in the recordset.
TSecondThe second type in the recordset.
TThirdThe third type in the recordset.
TFourthThe fourth type in the recordset.
TFifthThe fifth type in the recordset.
TReturnThe combined type to return.

QueryAsync<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TFourth, TFifth, TReturn>(IDbConnection, CommandDefinition, Func<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TFourth, TFifth, TReturn>, String)

Perform a asynchronous multi-mapping query with 5 input types. This returns a single type, combined from the raw types via <code data-dev-comment-type="paramref" class="paramref">map</code>.

View Source
public static Task<IEnumerable<TReturn>> QueryAsync<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TFourth, TFifth, TReturn>(this IDbConnection cnn, CommandDefinition command, Func<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TFourth, TFifth, TReturn> map, string splitOn = "Id")

Task<IEnumerable<<TReturn>>>: An enumerable of <code data-dev-comment-type="typeparamref" class="typeparamref">TReturn</code>.

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | ServiceStack.OrmLite.Dapper.CommandDefinition | command | The command to execute.

| | Func<<TFirst>,<TSecond>,<TThird>,<TFourth>,<TFifth>,<TReturn>> | map | The function to map row types to the return type.

| | System.String | splitOn | The field we should split and read the second object from (default: "Id").


Type Parameters
TFirstThe first type in the recordset.
TSecondThe second type in the recordset.
TThirdThe third type in the recordset.
TFourthThe fourth type in the recordset.
TFifthThe fifth type in the recordset.
TReturnThe combined type to return.

QueryAsync<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TFourth, TFifth, TSixth, TReturn>(IDbConnection, String, Func<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TFourth, TFifth, TSixth, TReturn>, Object, IDbTransaction, Boolean, String, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Perform a asynchronous multi-mapping query with 6 input types. This returns a single type, combined from the raw types via <code data-dev-comment-type="paramref" class="paramref">map</code>.

View Source
public static Task<IEnumerable<TReturn>> QueryAsync<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TFourth, TFifth, TSixth, TReturn>(this IDbConnection cnn, string sql, Func<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TFourth, TFifth, TSixth, TReturn> map, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, bool buffered = true, string splitOn = "Id", int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)

Task<IEnumerable<<TReturn>>>: An enumerable of <code data-dev-comment-type="typeparamref" class="typeparamref">TReturn</code>.

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute for this query.

| | Func<<TFirst>,<TSecond>,<TThird>,<TFourth>,<TFifth>,<TSixth>,<TReturn>> | map | The function to map row types to the return type.

| | System.Object | param | The parameters to use for this query.

| | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use for this query.

| | System.Boolean | buffered | Whether to buffer the results in memory.

| | System.String | splitOn | The field we should split and read the second object from (default: "Id").

| | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | Number of seconds before command execution timeout.

| | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | Is it a stored proc or a batch?


Type Parameters
TFirstThe first type in the recordset.
TSecondThe second type in the recordset.
TThirdThe third type in the recordset.
TFourthThe fourth type in the recordset.
TFifthThe fifth type in the recordset.
TSixthThe sixth type in the recordset.
TReturnThe combined type to return.

QueryAsync<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TFourth, TFifth, TSixth, TReturn>(IDbConnection, CommandDefinition, Func<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TFourth, TFifth, TSixth, TReturn>, String)

Perform a asynchronous multi-mapping query with 6 input types. This returns a single type, combined from the raw types via <code data-dev-comment-type="paramref" class="paramref">map</code>.

View Source
public static Task<IEnumerable<TReturn>> QueryAsync<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TFourth, TFifth, TSixth, TReturn>(this IDbConnection cnn, CommandDefinition command, Func<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TFourth, TFifth, TSixth, TReturn> map, string splitOn = "Id")

Task<IEnumerable<<TReturn>>>: An enumerable of <code data-dev-comment-type="typeparamref" class="typeparamref">TReturn</code>.

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | ServiceStack.OrmLite.Dapper.CommandDefinition | command | The command to execute.

| | Func<<TFirst>,<TSecond>,<TThird>,<TFourth>,<TFifth>,<TSixth>,<TReturn>> | map | The function to map row types to the return type.

| | System.String | splitOn | The field we should split and read the second object from (default: "Id").


Type Parameters
TFirstThe first type in the recordset.
TSecondThe second type in the recordset.
TThirdThe third type in the recordset.
TFourthThe fourth type in the recordset.
TFifthThe fifth type in the recordset.
TSixthThe sixth type in the recordset.
TReturnThe combined type to return.

QueryAsync<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TFourth, TFifth, TSixth, TSeventh, TReturn>(IDbConnection, String, Func<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TFourth, TFifth, TSixth, TSeventh, TReturn>, Object, IDbTransaction, Boolean, String, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Perform a asynchronous multi-mapping query with 7 input types. This returns a single type, combined from the raw types via <code data-dev-comment-type="paramref" class="paramref">map</code>.

View Source
public static Task<IEnumerable<TReturn>> QueryAsync<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TFourth, TFifth, TSixth, TSeventh, TReturn>(this IDbConnection cnn, string sql, Func<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TFourth, TFifth, TSixth, TSeventh, TReturn> map, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, bool buffered = true, string splitOn = "Id", int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)

Task<IEnumerable<<TReturn>>>: An enumerable of <code data-dev-comment-type="typeparamref" class="typeparamref">TReturn</code>.

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute for this query.

| | Func<<TFirst>,<TSecond>,<TThird>,<TFourth>,<TFifth>,<TSixth>,<TSeventh>,<TReturn>> | map | The function to map row types to the return type.

| | System.Object | param | The parameters to use for this query.

| | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use for this query.

| | System.Boolean | buffered | Whether to buffer the results in memory.

| | System.String | splitOn | The field we should split and read the second object from (default: "Id").

| | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | Number of seconds before command execution timeout.

| | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | Is it a stored proc or a batch?


Type Parameters
TFirstThe first type in the recordset.
TSecondThe second type in the recordset.
TThirdThe third type in the recordset.
TFourthThe fourth type in the recordset.
TFifthThe fifth type in the recordset.
TSixthThe sixth type in the recordset.
TSeventhThe seventh type in the recordset.
TReturnThe combined type to return.

QueryAsync<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TFourth, TFifth, TSixth, TSeventh, TReturn>(IDbConnection, CommandDefinition, Func<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TFourth, TFifth, TSixth, TSeventh, TReturn>, String)

Perform an asynchronous multi-mapping query with 7 input types. This returns a single type, combined from the raw types via <code data-dev-comment-type="paramref" class="paramref">map</code>.

View Source
public static Task<IEnumerable<TReturn>> QueryAsync<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TFourth, TFifth, TSixth, TSeventh, TReturn>(this IDbConnection cnn, CommandDefinition command, Func<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TFourth, TFifth, TSixth, TSeventh, TReturn> map, string splitOn = "Id")

Task<IEnumerable<<TReturn>>>: An enumerable of <code data-dev-comment-type="typeparamref" class="typeparamref">TReturn</code>.

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | ServiceStack.OrmLite.Dapper.CommandDefinition | command | The command to execute.

| | Func<<TFirst>,<TSecond>,<TThird>,<TFourth>,<TFifth>,<TSixth>,<TSeventh>,<TReturn>> | map | The function to map row types to the return type.

| | System.String | splitOn | The field we should split and read the second object from (default: "Id").


Type Parameters
TFirstThe first type in the recordset.
TSecondThe second type in the recordset.
TThirdThe third type in the recordset.
TFourthThe fourth type in the recordset.
TFifthThe fifth type in the recordset.
TSixthThe sixth type in the recordset.
TSeventhThe seventh type in the recordset.
TReturnThe combined type to return.

QueryAsync<TReturn>(IDbConnection, String, Type[], Func<Object[], TReturn>, Object, IDbTransaction, Boolean, String, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Perform a asynchronous multi-mapping query with an arbitrary number of input types. This returns a single type, combined from the raw types via <code data-dev-comment-type="paramref" class="paramref">map</code>.

View Source
public static Task<IEnumerable<TReturn>> QueryAsync<TReturn>(this IDbConnection cnn, string sql, Type[] types, Func<object[], TReturn> map, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, bool buffered = true, string splitOn = "Id", int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)

Task<IEnumerable<<TReturn>>>: An enumerable of <code data-dev-comment-type="typeparamref" class="typeparamref">TReturn</code>.

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute for this query.

| | Type[] | types | Array of types in the recordset.

| | Func<System.Object[],<TReturn>> | map | The function to map row types to the return type.

| | System.Object | param | The parameters to use for this query.

| | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use for this query.

| | System.Boolean | buffered | Whether to buffer the results in memory.

| | System.String | splitOn | The field we should split and read the second object from (default: "Id").

| | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | Number of seconds before command execution timeout.

| | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | Is it a stored proc or a batch?


Type Parameters
TReturnThe combined type to return.

QueryMultipleAsync(IDbConnection, String, Object, IDbTransaction, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Execute a command that returns multiple result sets, and access each in turn.

View Source
public static Task<SqlMapper.GridReader> QueryMultipleAsync(this IDbConnection cnn, string sql, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)


IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute for this query.

| | System.Object | param | The parameters to use for this query.

| | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use for this query.

| | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | Number of seconds before command execution timeout.

| | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | Is it a stored proc or a batch?


QueryMultipleAsync(IDbConnection, CommandDefinition)

Execute a command that returns multiple result sets, and access each in turn.

View Source
public static async Task<SqlMapper.GridReader> QueryMultipleAsync(this IDbConnection cnn, CommandDefinition command)


IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | ServiceStack.OrmLite.Dapper.CommandDefinition | command | The command to execute for this query.


ExecuteReaderAsync(IDbConnection, String, Object, IDbTransaction, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Execute parameterized SQL and return an <see cref="!:IDataReader"></see>.

This is typically used when the results of a query are not processed by Dapper, for example, used to fill a <see cref="!:DataTable"></see> or <xref href="DataSet" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>.

View Source
public static Task<IDataReader> ExecuteReaderAsync(this IDbConnection cnn, string sql, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)

Task<IDataReader>: An <see cref="!:IDataReader"></see> that can be used to iterate over the results of the SQL query.

This is typically used when the results of a query are not processed by Dapper, for example, used to fill a <see cref="!:DataTable"></see> or <xref href="DataSet" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>.

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to execute on.

This is typically used when the results of a query are not processed by Dapper, for example, used to fill a <see cref="!:DataTable"></see> or <xref href="DataSet" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>.

| | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute.

This is typically used when the results of a query are not processed by Dapper, for example, used to fill a <see cref="!:DataTable"></see> or <xref href="DataSet" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>.

| | System.Object | param | The parameters to use for this command.

This is typically used when the results of a query are not processed by Dapper, for example, used to fill a <see cref="!:DataTable"></see> or <xref href="DataSet" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>.

| | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use for this command.

This is typically used when the results of a query are not processed by Dapper, for example, used to fill a <see cref="!:DataTable"></see> or <xref href="DataSet" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>.

| | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | Number of seconds before command execution timeout.

This is typically used when the results of a query are not processed by Dapper, for example, used to fill a <see cref="!:DataTable"></see> or <xref href="DataSet" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>.

| | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | Is it a stored proc or a batch?

This is typically used when the results of a query are not processed by Dapper, for example, used to fill a <see cref="!:DataTable"></see> or <xref href="DataSet" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>.


ExecuteReaderAsync(DbConnection, String, Object, IDbTransaction, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Execute parameterized SQL and return a <see cref="!:DbDataReader"></see>.

View Source
public static Task<DbDataReader> ExecuteReaderAsync(this DbConnection cnn, string sql, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)


DbConnectioncnnThe connection to execute on.

| | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute.

| | System.Object | param | The parameters to use for this command.

| | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use for this command.

| | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | Number of seconds before command execution timeout.

| | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | Is it a stored proc or a batch?


ExecuteReaderAsync(IDbConnection, CommandDefinition)

Execute parameterized SQL and return an <see cref="!:IDataReader"></see>.

This is typically used when the results of a query are not processed by Dapper, for example, used to fill a <see cref="!:DataTable"></see> or <xref href="DataSet" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>.

View Source
public static Task<IDataReader> ExecuteReaderAsync(this IDbConnection cnn, CommandDefinition command)

Task<IDataReader>: An <see cref="!:IDataReader"></see> that can be used to iterate over the results of the SQL query.

This is typically used when the results of a query are not processed by Dapper, for example, used to fill a <see cref="!:DataTable"></see> or <xref href="DataSet" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>.

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to execute on.

This is typically used when the results of a query are not processed by Dapper, for example, used to fill a <see cref="!:DataTable"></see> or <xref href="DataSet" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>.

| | ServiceStack.OrmLite.Dapper.CommandDefinition | command | The command to execute.

This is typically used when the results of a query are not processed by Dapper, for example, used to fill a <see cref="!:DataTable"></see> or <xref href="DataSet" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>.


ExecuteReaderAsync(DbConnection, CommandDefinition)

Execute parameterized SQL and return a <see cref="!:DbDataReader"></see>.

View Source
public static Task<DbDataReader> ExecuteReaderAsync(this DbConnection cnn, CommandDefinition command)


DbConnectioncnnThe connection to execute on.

| | ServiceStack.OrmLite.Dapper.CommandDefinition | command | The command to execute.


ExecuteReaderAsync(IDbConnection, CommandDefinition, CommandBehavior)

Execute parameterized SQL and return an <see cref="!:IDataReader"></see>.

This is typically used when the results of a query are not processed by Dapper, for example, used to fill a <see cref="!:DataTable"></see> or <xref href="DataSet" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>.

View Source
public static Task<IDataReader> ExecuteReaderAsync(this IDbConnection cnn, CommandDefinition command, CommandBehavior commandBehavior)

Task<IDataReader>: An <see cref="!:IDataReader"></see> that can be used to iterate over the results of the SQL query.

This is typically used when the results of a query are not processed by Dapper, for example, used to fill a <see cref="!:DataTable"></see> or <xref href="DataSet" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>.

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to execute on.

This is typically used when the results of a query are not processed by Dapper, for example, used to fill a <see cref="!:DataTable"></see> or <xref href="DataSet" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>.

| | ServiceStack.OrmLite.Dapper.CommandDefinition | command | The command to execute.

This is typically used when the results of a query are not processed by Dapper, for example, used to fill a <see cref="!:DataTable"></see> or <xref href="DataSet" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>.

| | CommandBehavior | commandBehavior | The <see cref="!:CommandBehavior"></see> flags for this reader.

This is typically used when the results of a query are not processed by Dapper, for example, used to fill a <see cref="!:DataTable"></see> or <xref href="DataSet" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>.


ExecuteReaderAsync(DbConnection, CommandDefinition, CommandBehavior)

Execute parameterized SQL and return a <see cref="!:DbDataReader"></see>.

View Source
public static Task<DbDataReader> ExecuteReaderAsync(this DbConnection cnn, CommandDefinition command, CommandBehavior commandBehavior)


DbConnectioncnnThe connection to execute on.

| | ServiceStack.OrmLite.Dapper.CommandDefinition | command | The command to execute.

| | CommandBehavior | commandBehavior | The <see cref="!:CommandBehavior"></see> flags for this reader.


ExecuteScalarAsync(IDbConnection, String, Object, IDbTransaction, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Execute parameterized SQL that selects a single value.

View Source
public static Task<object> ExecuteScalarAsync(this IDbConnection cnn, string sql, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)

Task<System.Object>: The first cell returned, as <see cref="!:System.Object"></see>.

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to execute on.

| | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute.

| | System.Object | param | The parameters to use for this command.

| | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use for this command.

| | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | Number of seconds before command execution timeout.

| | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | Is it a stored proc or a batch?


ExecuteScalarAsync<T>(IDbConnection, String, Object, IDbTransaction, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Execute parameterized SQL that selects a single value.

View Source
public static Task<T> ExecuteScalarAsync<T>(this IDbConnection cnn, string sql, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)

Task<<T>>: The first cell returned, as <code data-dev-comment-type="typeparamref" class="typeparamref">T</code>.

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to execute on.

| | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute.

| | System.Object | param | The parameters to use for this command.

| | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use for this command.

| | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | Number of seconds before command execution timeout.

| | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | Is it a stored proc or a batch?


Type Parameters
TThe type to return.

ExecuteScalarAsync(IDbConnection, CommandDefinition)

Execute parameterized SQL that selects a single value.

View Source
public static Task<object> ExecuteScalarAsync(this IDbConnection cnn, CommandDefinition command)

Task<System.Object>: The first cell selected as <see cref="!:System.Object"></see>.

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to execute on.

| | ServiceStack.OrmLite.Dapper.CommandDefinition | command | The command to execute.


ExecuteScalarAsync<T>(IDbConnection, CommandDefinition)

Execute parameterized SQL that selects a single value.

View Source
public static Task<T> ExecuteScalarAsync<T>(this IDbConnection cnn, CommandDefinition command)

Task<<T>>: The first cell selected as <code data-dev-comment-type="typeparamref" class="typeparamref">T</code>.

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to execute on.

| | ServiceStack.OrmLite.Dapper.CommandDefinition | command | The command to execute.


Type Parameters
TThe type to return.


Purge the query cache

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public static void PurgeQueryCache()


Return a count of all the cached queries by Dapper

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public static int GetCachedSQLCount()



Return a list of all the queries cached by Dapper

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public static IEnumerable<Tuple<string, string, int>> GetCachedSQL(int ignoreHitCountAbove = null)




Deep diagnostics only: find any hash collisions in the cache

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public static IEnumerable<Tuple<int, int>> GetHashCollissions()



Clear the registered type handlers.

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public static void ResetTypeHandlers()

AddTypeMap(Type, DbType)

Configure the specified type to be mapped to a given db-type.

View Source
public static void AddTypeMap(Type type, DbType dbType)
TypetypeThe type to map from.

| | DbType | dbType | The database type to map to.



Removes the specified type from the Type/DbType mapping table.

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public static void RemoveTypeMap(Type type)
TypetypeThe type to remove from the current map.


AddTypeHandler(Type, SqlMapper.ITypeHandler)

Configure the specified type to be processed by a custom handler.

View Source
public static void AddTypeHandler(Type type, SqlMapper.ITypeHandler handler)
TypetypeThe type to handle.

| | ServiceStack.OrmLite.Dapper.SqlMapper.ITypeHandler | handler | The handler to process the <code data-dev-comment-type="paramref" class="paramref">type</code>.


AddTypeHandlerImpl(Type, SqlMapper.ITypeHandler, Boolean)

Configure the specified type to be processed by a custom handler.

View Source
public static void AddTypeHandlerImpl(Type type, SqlMapper.ITypeHandler handler, bool clone)
TypetypeThe type to handle.

| | ServiceStack.OrmLite.Dapper.SqlMapper.ITypeHandler | handler | The handler to process the <code data-dev-comment-type="paramref" class="paramref">type</code>.

| | System.Boolean | clone | Whether to clone the current type handler map.



Configure the specified type to be processed by a custom handler.

View Source
public static void AddTypeHandler<T>(SqlMapper.TypeHandler<T> handler)
ServiceStack.OrmLite.Dapper.SqlMapper.TypeHandler<T>handlerThe handler for the type <code data-dev-comment-type="typeparamref" class="typeparamref">T</code>.


Type Parameters
TThe type to handle.


Get the DbType that maps to a given value.

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public static DbType GetDbType(object value)


System.ObjectvalueThe object to get a corresponding database type for.


LookupDbType(Type, String, Boolean, out SqlMapper.ITypeHandler)

OBSOLETE: For internal usage only. Lookup the DbType and handler for a given Type and member

View Source
public static DbType LookupDbType(Type type, string name, bool demand, out SqlMapper.ITypeHandler handler)


TypetypeThe type to lookup.

| | System.String | name | The name (for error messages).

| | System.Boolean | demand | Whether to demand a value (throw if missing).

| | ServiceStack.OrmLite.Dapper.SqlMapper.ITypeHandler | handler | The handler for <code data-dev-comment-type="paramref" class="paramref">type</code>.



Obtains the data as a list; if it is already a list, the original object is returned without any duplication; otherwise, ToList() is invoked.

View Source
public static List<T> AsList<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source)


IEnumerable<<T>>sourceThe enumerable to return as a list.


Type Parameters
TThe type of element in the list.

Execute(IDbConnection, String, Object, IDbTransaction, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Execute parameterized SQL.

View Source
public static int Execute(this IDbConnection cnn, string sql, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)

System.Int32: The number of rows affected.

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute for this query.

| | System.Object | param | The parameters to use for this query.

| | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use for this query.

| | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | Number of seconds before command execution timeout.

| | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | Is it a stored proc or a batch?


Execute(IDbConnection, CommandDefinition)

Execute parameterized SQL.

View Source
public static int Execute(this IDbConnection cnn, CommandDefinition command)

System.Int32: The number of rows affected.

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to execute on.

| | ServiceStack.OrmLite.Dapper.CommandDefinition | command | The command to execute on this connection.


ExecuteScalar(IDbConnection, String, Object, IDbTransaction, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Execute parameterized SQL that selects a single value.

View Source
public static object ExecuteScalar(this IDbConnection cnn, string sql, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)

System.Object: The first cell selected as <see cref="!:System.Object"></see>.

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to execute on.

| | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute.

| | System.Object | param | The parameters to use for this command.

| | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use for this command.

| | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | Number of seconds before command execution timeout.

| | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | Is it a stored proc or a batch?


ExecuteScalar<T>(IDbConnection, String, Object, IDbTransaction, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Execute parameterized SQL that selects a single value.

View Source
public static T ExecuteScalar<T>(this IDbConnection cnn, string sql, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)

<T>: The first cell returned, as <code data-dev-comment-type="typeparamref" class="typeparamref">T</code>.

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to execute on.

| | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute.

| | System.Object | param | The parameters to use for this command.

| | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use for this command.

| | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | Number of seconds before command execution timeout.

| | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | Is it a stored proc or a batch?


Type Parameters
TThe type to return.

ExecuteScalar(IDbConnection, CommandDefinition)

Execute parameterized SQL that selects a single value.

View Source
public static object ExecuteScalar(this IDbConnection cnn, CommandDefinition command)

System.Object: The first cell selected as <see cref="!:System.Object"></see>.

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to execute on.

| | ServiceStack.OrmLite.Dapper.CommandDefinition | command | The command to execute.


ExecuteScalar<T>(IDbConnection, CommandDefinition)

Execute parameterized SQL that selects a single value.

View Source
public static T ExecuteScalar<T>(this IDbConnection cnn, CommandDefinition command)

<T>: The first cell selected as <code data-dev-comment-type="typeparamref" class="typeparamref">T</code>.

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to execute on.

| | ServiceStack.OrmLite.Dapper.CommandDefinition | command | The command to execute.


Type Parameters
TThe type to return.

ExecuteReader(IDbConnection, String, Object, IDbTransaction, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Execute parameterized SQL and return an <see cref="!:IDataReader"></see>.

This is typically used when the results of a query are not processed by Dapper, for example, used to fill a <see cref="!:DataTable"></see> or <xref href="DataSet" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>.

View Source
public static IDataReader ExecuteReader(this IDbConnection cnn, string sql, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)

IDataReader: An <see cref="!:IDataReader"></see> that can be used to iterate over the results of the SQL query.

This is typically used when the results of a query are not processed by Dapper, for example, used to fill a <see cref="!:DataTable"></see> or <xref href="DataSet" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>.

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to execute on.

This is typically used when the results of a query are not processed by Dapper, for example, used to fill a <see cref="!:DataTable"></see> or <xref href="DataSet" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>.

| | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute.

This is typically used when the results of a query are not processed by Dapper, for example, used to fill a <see cref="!:DataTable"></see> or <xref href="DataSet" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>.

| | System.Object | param | The parameters to use for this command.

This is typically used when the results of a query are not processed by Dapper, for example, used to fill a <see cref="!:DataTable"></see> or <xref href="DataSet" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>.

| | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use for this command.

This is typically used when the results of a query are not processed by Dapper, for example, used to fill a <see cref="!:DataTable"></see> or <xref href="DataSet" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>.

| | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | Number of seconds before command execution timeout.

This is typically used when the results of a query are not processed by Dapper, for example, used to fill a <see cref="!:DataTable"></see> or <xref href="DataSet" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>.

| | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | Is it a stored proc or a batch?

This is typically used when the results of a query are not processed by Dapper, for example, used to fill a <see cref="!:DataTable"></see> or <xref href="DataSet" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>.


ExecuteReader(IDbConnection, CommandDefinition)

Execute parameterized SQL and return an <see cref="!:IDataReader"></see>.

This is typically used when the results of a query are not processed by Dapper, for example, used to fill a <see cref="!:DataTable"></see> or <xref href="DataSet" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>.

View Source
public static IDataReader ExecuteReader(this IDbConnection cnn, CommandDefinition command)

IDataReader: An <see cref="!:IDataReader"></see> that can be used to iterate over the results of the SQL query.

This is typically used when the results of a query are not processed by Dapper, for example, used to fill a <see cref="!:DataTable"></see> or <xref href="DataSet" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>.

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to execute on.

This is typically used when the results of a query are not processed by Dapper, for example, used to fill a <see cref="!:DataTable"></see> or <xref href="DataSet" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>.

| | ServiceStack.OrmLite.Dapper.CommandDefinition | command | The command to execute.

This is typically used when the results of a query are not processed by Dapper, for example, used to fill a <see cref="!:DataTable"></see> or <xref href="DataSet" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>.


ExecuteReader(IDbConnection, CommandDefinition, CommandBehavior)

Execute parameterized SQL and return an <see cref="!:IDataReader"></see>.

This is typically used when the results of a query are not processed by Dapper, for example, used to fill a <see cref="!:DataTable"></see> or <xref href="DataSet" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>.

View Source
public static IDataReader ExecuteReader(this IDbConnection cnn, CommandDefinition command, CommandBehavior commandBehavior)

IDataReader: An <see cref="!:IDataReader"></see> that can be used to iterate over the results of the SQL query.

This is typically used when the results of a query are not processed by Dapper, for example, used to fill a <see cref="!:DataTable"></see> or <xref href="DataSet" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>.

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to execute on.

This is typically used when the results of a query are not processed by Dapper, for example, used to fill a <see cref="!:DataTable"></see> or <xref href="DataSet" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>.

| | ServiceStack.OrmLite.Dapper.CommandDefinition | command | The command to execute.

This is typically used when the results of a query are not processed by Dapper, for example, used to fill a <see cref="!:DataTable"></see> or <xref href="DataSet" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>.

| | CommandBehavior | commandBehavior | The <see cref="!:CommandBehavior"></see> flags for this reader.

This is typically used when the results of a query are not processed by Dapper, for example, used to fill a <see cref="!:DataTable"></see> or <xref href="DataSet" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>.


Query(IDbConnection, String, Object, IDbTransaction, Boolean, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Return a sequence of dynamic objects with properties matching the columns.

Note: each row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object>

View Source
public static IEnumerable<dynamic> Query(this IDbConnection cnn, string sql, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, bool buffered = true, int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)


IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

Note: each row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object> | | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute for the query. Note: each row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object> | | System.Object | param | The parameters to pass, if any. Note: each row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object> | | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use, if any. Note: each row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object> | | System.Boolean | buffered | Whether to buffer the results in memory. Note: each row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object> | | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | The command timeout (in seconds). Note: each row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object> | | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | The type of command to execute. Note: each row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object> |

QueryFirst(IDbConnection, String, Object, IDbTransaction, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Return a dynamic object with properties matching the columns.

Note: the row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object>

View Source
public static dynamic QueryFirst(this IDbConnection cnn, string sql, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)


IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

Note: the row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object> | | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute for the query. Note: the row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object> | | System.Object | param | The parameters to pass, if any. Note: the row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object> | | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use, if any. Note: the row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object> | | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | The command timeout (in seconds). Note: the row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object> | | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | The type of command to execute. Note: the row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object> |

QueryFirstOrDefault(IDbConnection, String, Object, IDbTransaction, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Return a dynamic object with properties matching the columns.

Note: the row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object>

View Source
public static dynamic QueryFirstOrDefault(this IDbConnection cnn, string sql, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)


IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

Note: the row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object> | | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute for the query. Note: the row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object> | | System.Object | param | The parameters to pass, if any. Note: the row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object> | | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use, if any. Note: the row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object> | | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | The command timeout (in seconds). Note: the row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object> | | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | The type of command to execute. Note: the row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object> |

QuerySingle(IDbConnection, String, Object, IDbTransaction, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Return a dynamic object with properties matching the columns.

Note: the row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object>

View Source
public static dynamic QuerySingle(this IDbConnection cnn, string sql, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)


IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

Note: the row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object> | | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute for the query. Note: the row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object> | | System.Object | param | The parameters to pass, if any. Note: the row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object> | | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use, if any. Note: the row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object> | | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | The command timeout (in seconds). Note: the row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object> | | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | The type of command to execute. Note: the row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object> |

QuerySingleOrDefault(IDbConnection, String, Object, IDbTransaction, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Return a dynamic object with properties matching the columns.

Note: the row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object>

View Source
public static dynamic QuerySingleOrDefault(this IDbConnection cnn, string sql, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)


IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

Note: the row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object> | | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute for the query. Note: the row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object> | | System.Object | param | The parameters to pass, if any. Note: the row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object> | | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use, if any. Note: the row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object> | | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | The command timeout (in seconds). Note: the row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object> | | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | The type of command to execute. Note: the row can be accessed via "dynamic", or by casting to an IDictionary<string,object> |

Query<T>(IDbConnection, String, Object, IDbTransaction, Boolean, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Executes a query, returning the data typed as <code data-dev-comment-type="typeparamref" class="typeparamref">T</code>.

View Source
public static IEnumerable<T> Query<T>(this IDbConnection cnn, string sql, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, bool buffered = true, int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)

IEnumerable<<T>>: A sequence of data of the supplied type; if a basic type (int, string, etc) is queried then the data from the first column in assumed, otherwise an instance is created per row, and a direct column-name===member-name mapping is assumed (case insensitive).

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute for the query.

| | System.Object | param | The parameters to pass, if any.

| | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use, if any.

| | System.Boolean | buffered | Whether to buffer results in memory.

| | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | The command timeout (in seconds).

| | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | The type of command to execute.


Type Parameters
TThe type of results to return.

QueryFirst<T>(IDbConnection, String, Object, IDbTransaction, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Executes a single-row query, returning the data typed as <code data-dev-comment-type="typeparamref" class="typeparamref">T</code>.

View Source
public static T QueryFirst<T>(this IDbConnection cnn, string sql, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)

<T>: A sequence of data of the supplied type; if a basic type (int, string, etc) is queried then the data from the first column in assumed, otherwise an instance is created per row, and a direct column-name===member-name mapping is assumed (case insensitive).

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute for the query.

| | System.Object | param | The parameters to pass, if any.

| | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use, if any.

| | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | The command timeout (in seconds).

| | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | The type of command to execute.


Type Parameters
TThe type of result to return.

QueryFirstOrDefault<T>(IDbConnection, String, Object, IDbTransaction, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Executes a single-row query, returning the data typed as <code data-dev-comment-type="typeparamref" class="typeparamref">T</code>.

View Source
public static T QueryFirstOrDefault<T>(this IDbConnection cnn, string sql, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)

<T>: A sequence of data of the supplied type; if a basic type (int, string, etc) is queried then the data from the first column in assumed, otherwise an instance is created per row, and a direct column-name===member-name mapping is assumed (case insensitive).

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute for the query.

| | System.Object | param | The parameters to pass, if any.

| | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use, if any.

| | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | The command timeout (in seconds).

| | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | The type of command to execute.


Type Parameters
TThe type of result to return.

QuerySingle<T>(IDbConnection, String, Object, IDbTransaction, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Executes a single-row query, returning the data typed as <code data-dev-comment-type="typeparamref" class="typeparamref">T</code>.

View Source
public static T QuerySingle<T>(this IDbConnection cnn, string sql, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)

<T>: A sequence of data of the supplied type; if a basic type (int, string, etc) is queried then the data from the first column in assumed, otherwise an instance is created per row, and a direct column-name===member-name mapping is assumed (case insensitive).

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute for the query.

| | System.Object | param | The parameters to pass, if any.

| | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use, if any.

| | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | The command timeout (in seconds).

| | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | The type of command to execute.


Type Parameters
TThe type of result to return.

QuerySingleOrDefault<T>(IDbConnection, String, Object, IDbTransaction, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Executes a single-row query, returning the data typed as <code data-dev-comment-type="typeparamref" class="typeparamref">T</code>.

View Source
public static T QuerySingleOrDefault<T>(this IDbConnection cnn, string sql, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)

<T>: A sequence of data of the supplied type; if a basic type (int, string, etc) is queried then the data from the first column in assumed, otherwise an instance is created per row, and a direct column-name===member-name mapping is assumed (case insensitive).

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute for the query.

| | System.Object | param | The parameters to pass, if any.

| | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use, if any.

| | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | The command timeout (in seconds).

| | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | The type of command to execute.


Type Parameters
TThe type of result to return.

Query(IDbConnection, Type, String, Object, IDbTransaction, Boolean, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Executes a single-row query, returning the data typed as <code data-dev-comment-type="paramref" class="paramref">type</code>.

View Source
public static IEnumerable<object> Query(this IDbConnection cnn, Type type, string sql, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, bool buffered = true, int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)

IEnumerable<System.Object>: A sequence of data of the supplied type; if a basic type (int, string, etc) is queried then the data from the first column in assumed, otherwise an instance is created per row, and a direct column-name===member-name mapping is assumed (case insensitive).

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | Type | type | The type to return.

| | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute for the query.

| | System.Object | param | The parameters to pass, if any.

| | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use, if any.

| | System.Boolean | buffered | Whether to buffer results in memory.

| | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | The command timeout (in seconds).

| | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | The type of command to execute.


QueryFirst(IDbConnection, Type, String, Object, IDbTransaction, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Executes a single-row query, returning the data typed as <code data-dev-comment-type="paramref" class="paramref">type</code>.

View Source
public static object QueryFirst(this IDbConnection cnn, Type type, string sql, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)

System.Object: A sequence of data of the supplied type; if a basic type (int, string, etc) is queried then the data from the first column in assumed, otherwise an instance is created per row, and a direct column-name===member-name mapping is assumed (case insensitive).

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | Type | type | The type to return.

| | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute for the query.

| | System.Object | param | The parameters to pass, if any.

| | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use, if any.

| | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | The command timeout (in seconds).

| | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | The type of command to execute.


QueryFirstOrDefault(IDbConnection, Type, String, Object, IDbTransaction, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Executes a single-row query, returning the data typed as <code data-dev-comment-type="paramref" class="paramref">type</code>.

View Source
public static object QueryFirstOrDefault(this IDbConnection cnn, Type type, string sql, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)

System.Object: A sequence of data of the supplied type; if a basic type (int, string, etc) is queried then the data from the first column in assumed, otherwise an instance is created per row, and a direct column-name===member-name mapping is assumed (case insensitive).

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | Type | type | The type to return.

| | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute for the query.

| | System.Object | param | The parameters to pass, if any.

| | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use, if any.

| | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | The command timeout (in seconds).

| | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | The type of command to execute.


QuerySingle(IDbConnection, Type, String, Object, IDbTransaction, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Executes a single-row query, returning the data typed as <code data-dev-comment-type="paramref" class="paramref">type</code>.

View Source
public static object QuerySingle(this IDbConnection cnn, Type type, string sql, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)

System.Object: A sequence of data of the supplied type; if a basic type (int, string, etc) is queried then the data from the first column in assumed, otherwise an instance is created per row, and a direct column-name===member-name mapping is assumed (case insensitive).

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | Type | type | The type to return.

| | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute for the query.

| | System.Object | param | The parameters to pass, if any.

| | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use, if any.

| | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | The command timeout (in seconds).

| | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | The type of command to execute.


QuerySingleOrDefault(IDbConnection, Type, String, Object, IDbTransaction, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Executes a single-row query, returning the data typed as <code data-dev-comment-type="paramref" class="paramref">type</code>.

View Source
public static object QuerySingleOrDefault(this IDbConnection cnn, Type type, string sql, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)

System.Object: A sequence of data of the supplied type; if a basic type (int, string, etc) is queried then the data from the first column in assumed, otherwise an instance is created per row, and a direct column-name===member-name mapping is assumed (case insensitive).

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | Type | type | The type to return.

| | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute for the query.

| | System.Object | param | The parameters to pass, if any.

| | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use, if any.

| | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | The command timeout (in seconds).

| | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | The type of command to execute.


Query<T>(IDbConnection, CommandDefinition)

Executes a query, returning the data typed as <code data-dev-comment-type="typeparamref" class="typeparamref">T</code>.

View Source
public static IEnumerable<T> Query<T>(this IDbConnection cnn, CommandDefinition command)

IEnumerable<<T>>: A sequence of data of <code data-dev-comment-type="typeparamref" class="typeparamref">T</code>; if a basic type (int, string, etc) is queried then the data from the first column in assumed, otherwise an instance is created per row, and a direct column-name===member-name mapping is assumed (case insensitive).

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | ServiceStack.OrmLite.Dapper.CommandDefinition | command | The command used to query on this connection.


Type Parameters
TThe type of results to return.

QueryFirst<T>(IDbConnection, CommandDefinition)

Executes a query, returning the data typed as <code data-dev-comment-type="typeparamref" class="typeparamref">T</code>.

View Source
public static T QueryFirst<T>(this IDbConnection cnn, CommandDefinition command)

<T>: A single instance or null of the supplied type; if a basic type (int, string, etc) is queried then the data from the first column in assumed, otherwise an instance is created per row, and a direct column-name===member-name mapping is assumed (case insensitive).

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | ServiceStack.OrmLite.Dapper.CommandDefinition | command | The command used to query on this connection.


Type Parameters
TThe type of results to return.

QueryFirstOrDefault<T>(IDbConnection, CommandDefinition)

Executes a query, returning the data typed as <code data-dev-comment-type="typeparamref" class="typeparamref">T</code>.

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public static T QueryFirstOrDefault<T>(this IDbConnection cnn, CommandDefinition command)

<T>: A single or null instance of the supplied type; if a basic type (int, string, etc) is queried then the data from the first column in assumed, otherwise an instance is created per row, and a direct column-name===member-name mapping is assumed (case insensitive).

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | ServiceStack.OrmLite.Dapper.CommandDefinition | command | The command used to query on this connection.


Type Parameters
TThe type of results to return.

QuerySingle<T>(IDbConnection, CommandDefinition)

Executes a query, returning the data typed as <code data-dev-comment-type="typeparamref" class="typeparamref">T</code>.

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public static T QuerySingle<T>(this IDbConnection cnn, CommandDefinition command)

<T>: A single instance of the supplied type; if a basic type (int, string, etc) is queried then the data from the first column in assumed, otherwise an instance is created per row, and a direct column-name===member-name mapping is assumed (case insensitive).

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | ServiceStack.OrmLite.Dapper.CommandDefinition | command | The command used to query on this connection.


Type Parameters
TThe type of results to return.

QuerySingleOrDefault<T>(IDbConnection, CommandDefinition)

Executes a query, returning the data typed as <code data-dev-comment-type="typeparamref" class="typeparamref">T</code>.

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public static T QuerySingleOrDefault<T>(this IDbConnection cnn, CommandDefinition command)

<T>: A single instance of the supplied type; if a basic type (int, string, etc) is queried then the data from the first column in assumed, otherwise an instance is created per row, and a direct column-name===member-name mapping is assumed (case insensitive).

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | ServiceStack.OrmLite.Dapper.CommandDefinition | command | The command used to query on this connection.


Type Parameters
TThe type of results to return.

QueryMultiple(IDbConnection, String, Object, IDbTransaction, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Execute a command that returns multiple result sets, and access each in turn.

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public static SqlMapper.GridReader QueryMultiple(this IDbConnection cnn, string sql, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)


IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute for this query.

| | System.Object | param | The parameters to use for this query.

| | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use for this query.

| | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | Number of seconds before command execution timeout.

| | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | Is it a stored proc or a batch?


QueryMultiple(IDbConnection, CommandDefinition)

Execute a command that returns multiple result sets, and access each in turn.

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public static SqlMapper.GridReader QueryMultiple(this IDbConnection cnn, CommandDefinition command)


IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | ServiceStack.OrmLite.Dapper.CommandDefinition | command | The command to execute for this query.


Query<TFirst, TSecond, TReturn>(IDbConnection, String, Func<TFirst, TSecond, TReturn>, Object, IDbTransaction, Boolean, String, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Perform a multi-mapping query with 2 input types. This returns a single type, combined from the raw types via <code data-dev-comment-type="paramref" class="paramref">map</code>.

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public static IEnumerable<TReturn> Query<TFirst, TSecond, TReturn>(this IDbConnection cnn, string sql, Func<TFirst, TSecond, TReturn> map, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, bool buffered = true, string splitOn = "Id", int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)

IEnumerable<<TReturn>>: An enumerable of <code data-dev-comment-type="typeparamref" class="typeparamref">TReturn</code>.

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute for this query.

| | Func<<TFirst>,<TSecond>,<TReturn>> | map | The function to map row types to the return type.

| | System.Object | param | The parameters to use for this query.

| | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use for this query.

| | System.Boolean | buffered | Whether to buffer the results in memory.

| | System.String | splitOn | The field we should split and read the second object from (default: "Id").

| | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | Number of seconds before command execution timeout.

| | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | Is it a stored proc or a batch?


Type Parameters
TFirstThe first type in the recordset.
TSecondThe second type in the recordset.
TReturnThe combined type to return.

Query<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TReturn>(IDbConnection, String, Func<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TReturn>, Object, IDbTransaction, Boolean, String, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Perform a multi-mapping query with 3 input types. This returns a single type, combined from the raw types via <code data-dev-comment-type="paramref" class="paramref">map</code>.

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public static IEnumerable<TReturn> Query<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TReturn>(this IDbConnection cnn, string sql, Func<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TReturn> map, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, bool buffered = true, string splitOn = "Id", int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)

IEnumerable<<TReturn>>: An enumerable of <code data-dev-comment-type="typeparamref" class="typeparamref">TReturn</code>.

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute for this query.

| | Func<<TFirst>,<TSecond>,<TThird>,<TReturn>> | map | The function to map row types to the return type.

| | System.Object | param | The parameters to use for this query.

| | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use for this query.

| | System.Boolean | buffered | Whether to buffer the results in memory.

| | System.String | splitOn | The field we should split and read the second object from (default: "Id").

| | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | Number of seconds before command execution timeout.

| | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | Is it a stored proc or a batch?


Type Parameters
TFirstThe first type in the recordset.
TSecondThe second type in the recordset.
TThirdThe third type in the recordset.
TReturnThe combined type to return.

Query<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TFourth, TReturn>(IDbConnection, String, Func<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TFourth, TReturn>, Object, IDbTransaction, Boolean, String, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Perform a multi-mapping query with 4 input types. This returns a single type, combined from the raw types via <code data-dev-comment-type="paramref" class="paramref">map</code>.

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public static IEnumerable<TReturn> Query<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TFourth, TReturn>(this IDbConnection cnn, string sql, Func<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TFourth, TReturn> map, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, bool buffered = true, string splitOn = "Id", int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)

IEnumerable<<TReturn>>: An enumerable of <code data-dev-comment-type="typeparamref" class="typeparamref">TReturn</code>.

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute for this query.

| | Func<<TFirst>,<TSecond>,<TThird>,<TFourth>,<TReturn>> | map | The function to map row types to the return type.

| | System.Object | param | The parameters to use for this query.

| | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use for this query.

| | System.Boolean | buffered | Whether to buffer the results in memory.

| | System.String | splitOn | The field we should split and read the second object from (default: "Id").

| | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | Number of seconds before command execution timeout.

| | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | Is it a stored proc or a batch?


Type Parameters
TFirstThe first type in the recordset.
TSecondThe second type in the recordset.
TThirdThe third type in the recordset.
TFourthThe fourth type in the recordset.
TReturnThe combined type to return.

Query<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TFourth, TFifth, TReturn>(IDbConnection, String, Func<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TFourth, TFifth, TReturn>, Object, IDbTransaction, Boolean, String, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Perform a multi-mapping query with 5 input types. This returns a single type, combined from the raw types via <code data-dev-comment-type="paramref" class="paramref">map</code>.

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public static IEnumerable<TReturn> Query<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TFourth, TFifth, TReturn>(this IDbConnection cnn, string sql, Func<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TFourth, TFifth, TReturn> map, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, bool buffered = true, string splitOn = "Id", int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)

IEnumerable<<TReturn>>: An enumerable of <code data-dev-comment-type="typeparamref" class="typeparamref">TReturn</code>.

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute for this query.

| | Func<<TFirst>,<TSecond>,<TThird>,<TFourth>,<TFifth>,<TReturn>> | map | The function to map row types to the return type.

| | System.Object | param | The parameters to use for this query.

| | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use for this query.

| | System.Boolean | buffered | Whether to buffer the results in memory.

| | System.String | splitOn | The field we should split and read the second object from (default: "Id").

| | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | Number of seconds before command execution timeout.

| | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | Is it a stored proc or a batch?


Type Parameters
TFirstThe first type in the recordset.
TSecondThe second type in the recordset.
TThirdThe third type in the recordset.
TFourthThe fourth type in the recordset.
TFifthThe fifth type in the recordset.
TReturnThe combined type to return.

Query<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TFourth, TFifth, TSixth, TReturn>(IDbConnection, String, Func<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TFourth, TFifth, TSixth, TReturn>, Object, IDbTransaction, Boolean, String, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Perform a multi-mapping query with 6 input types. This returns a single type, combined from the raw types via <code data-dev-comment-type="paramref" class="paramref">map</code>.

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public static IEnumerable<TReturn> Query<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TFourth, TFifth, TSixth, TReturn>(this IDbConnection cnn, string sql, Func<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TFourth, TFifth, TSixth, TReturn> map, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, bool buffered = true, string splitOn = "Id", int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)

IEnumerable<<TReturn>>: An enumerable of <code data-dev-comment-type="typeparamref" class="typeparamref">TReturn</code>.

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute for this query.

| | Func<<TFirst>,<TSecond>,<TThird>,<TFourth>,<TFifth>,<TSixth>,<TReturn>> | map | The function to map row types to the return type.

| | System.Object | param | The parameters to use for this query.

| | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use for this query.

| | System.Boolean | buffered | Whether to buffer the results in memory.

| | System.String | splitOn | The field we should split and read the second object from (default: "Id").

| | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | Number of seconds before command execution timeout.

| | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | Is it a stored proc or a batch?


Type Parameters
TFirstThe first type in the recordset.
TSecondThe second type in the recordset.
TThirdThe third type in the recordset.
TFourthThe fourth type in the recordset.
TFifthThe fifth type in the recordset.
TSixthThe sixth type in the recordset.
TReturnThe combined type to return.

Query<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TFourth, TFifth, TSixth, TSeventh, TReturn>(IDbConnection, String, Func<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TFourth, TFifth, TSixth, TSeventh, TReturn>, Object, IDbTransaction, Boolean, String, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Perform a multi-mapping query with 7 input types. If you need more types -> use Query with Type[] parameter. This returns a single type, combined from the raw types via <code data-dev-comment-type="paramref" class="paramref">map</code>.

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public static IEnumerable<TReturn> Query<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TFourth, TFifth, TSixth, TSeventh, TReturn>(this IDbConnection cnn, string sql, Func<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TFourth, TFifth, TSixth, TSeventh, TReturn> map, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, bool buffered = true, string splitOn = "Id", int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)

IEnumerable<<TReturn>>: An enumerable of <code data-dev-comment-type="typeparamref" class="typeparamref">TReturn</code>.

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute for this query.

| | Func<<TFirst>,<TSecond>,<TThird>,<TFourth>,<TFifth>,<TSixth>,<TSeventh>,<TReturn>> | map | The function to map row types to the return type.

| | System.Object | param | The parameters to use for this query.

| | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use for this query.

| | System.Boolean | buffered | Whether to buffer the results in memory.

| | System.String | splitOn | The field we should split and read the second object from (default: "Id").

| | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | Number of seconds before command execution timeout.

| | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | Is it a stored proc or a batch?


Type Parameters
TFirstThe first type in the recordset.
TSecondThe second type in the recordset.
TThirdThe third type in the recordset.
TFourthThe fourth type in the recordset.
TFifthThe fifth type in the recordset.
TSixthThe sixth type in the recordset.
TSeventhThe seventh type in the recordset.
TReturnThe combined type to return.

Query<TReturn>(IDbConnection, String, Type[], Func<Object[], TReturn>, Object, IDbTransaction, Boolean, String, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<CommandType>)

Perform a multi-mapping query with an arbitrary number of input types. This returns a single type, combined from the raw types via <code data-dev-comment-type="paramref" class="paramref">map</code>.

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public static IEnumerable<TReturn> Query<TReturn>(this IDbConnection cnn, string sql, Type[] types, Func<object[], TReturn> map, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, bool buffered = true, string splitOn = "Id", int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null)

IEnumerable<<TReturn>>: An enumerable of <code data-dev-comment-type="typeparamref" class="typeparamref">TReturn</code>.

IDbConnectioncnnThe connection to query on.

| | System.String | sql | The SQL to execute for this query.

| | Type[] | types | Array of types in the recordset.

| | Func<System.Object[],<TReturn>> | map | The function to map row types to the return type.

| | System.Object | param | The parameters to use for this query.

| | IDbTransaction | transaction | The transaction to use for this query.

| | System.Boolean | buffered | Whether to buffer the results in memory.

| | System.String | splitOn | The field we should split and read the second object from (default: "Id").

| | System.Nullable<System.Int32> | commandTimeout | Number of seconds before command execution timeout.

| | System.Nullable<CommandType> | commandType | Is it a stored proc or a batch?


Type Parameters
TReturnThe combined type to return.


Internal use only.

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public static char ReadChar(object value)


System.ObjectvalueThe object to convert to a character.



Internal use only.

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public static char? ReadNullableChar(object value)


System.ObjectvalueThe object to convert to a character.


FindOrAddParameter(IDataParameterCollection, IDbCommand, String)

Internal use only.

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public static IDbDataParameter FindOrAddParameter(IDataParameterCollection parameters, IDbCommand command, string name)


IDataParameterCollectionparametersThe parameter collection to search in.

| | IDbCommand | command | The command for this fetch.

| | System.String | name | The name of the parameter to get.


PackListParameters(IDbCommand, String, Object)

Internal use only.

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public static void PackListParameters(IDbCommand command, string namePrefix, object value)
IDbCommandcommandThe command to pack parameters for.

| | System.String | namePrefix | The name prefix for these parameters.

| | System.Object | value | The parameter value can be an <see cref="!:IEnumerable<T>"></see>



OBSOLETE: For internal usage only. Sanitizes the paramter value with proper type casting.

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public static object SanitizeParameterValue(object value)


System.ObjectvalueThe value to sanitize.


ReplaceLiterals(SqlMapper.IParameterLookup, IDbCommand)

Replace all literal tokens with their text form.

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public static void ReplaceLiterals(this SqlMapper.IParameterLookup parameters, IDbCommand command)
ServiceStack.OrmLite.Dapper.SqlMapper.IParameterLookupparametersThe parameter lookup to do replacements with.

| | IDbCommand | command | The command to repalce parameters in.



Convert numeric values to their string form for SQL literal purposes.

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public static string Format(object value)


System.ObjectvalueThe value to get a string for.


CreateParamInfoGenerator(SqlMapper.Identity, Boolean, Boolean)

Internal use only.

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public static Action<IDbCommand, object> CreateParamInfoGenerator(SqlMapper.Identity identity, bool checkForDuplicates, bool removeUnused)


ServiceStack.OrmLite.Dapper.SqlMapper.IdentityidentityThe identity of the generator.

| | System.Boolean | checkForDuplicates | Whether to check for duplicates.

| | System.Boolean | removeUnused | Whether to remove unused parameters.



Gets type-map for the given <see cref="!:Type"></see>.

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public static SqlMapper.ITypeMap GetTypeMap(Type type)

ServiceStack.OrmLite.Dapper.SqlMapper.ITypeMap: Type map implementation, DefaultTypeMap instance if no override present

TypetypeThe type to get a map for.


SetTypeMap(Type, SqlMapper.ITypeMap)

Set custom mapping for type deserializers

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public static void SetTypeMap(Type type, SqlMapper.ITypeMap map)
TypetypeEntity type to override

| | ServiceStack.OrmLite.Dapper.SqlMapper.ITypeMap | map | Mapping rules impementation, null to remove custom map


GetTypeDeserializer(Type, IDataReader, Int32, Int32, Boolean)

Internal use only

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public static Func<IDataReader, object> GetTypeDeserializer(Type type, IDataReader reader, int startBound = 0, int length = null, bool returnNullIfFirstMissing = false)



ThrowDataException(Exception, Int32, IDataReader, Object)

Throws a data exception, only used internally

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public static void ThrowDataException(Exception ex, int index, IDataReader reader, object value)
ExceptionexThe exception to throw.

| | System.Int32 | index | The index the exception occured at.

| | IDataReader | reader | The reader the exception occured in.

| | System.Object | value | The value that caused the exception.


AsTableValuedParameter(DataTable, String)

Used to pass a DataTable as a ServiceStack.OrmLite.Dapper.TableValuedParameter.

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public static SqlMapper.ICustomQueryParameter AsTableValuedParameter(this DataTable table, string typeName = null)


DataTabletableThe <see cref="!:DataTable"></see> to create this parameter for.

| | System.String | typeName | The name of the type this parameter is for.


SetTypeName(DataTable, String)

Associate a DataTable with a type name.

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public static void SetTypeName(this DataTable table, string typeName)
DataTabletableThe <see cref="!:DataTable"></see> that does with the <code data-dev-comment-type="paramref" class="paramref">typeName</code>.

| | System.String | typeName | The name of the type this table is for.



Fetch the type name associated with a <see cref="!:DataTable"></see>.

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public static string GetTypeName(this DataTable table)


DataTabletableThe <see cref="!:DataTable"></see> that has a type name associated with it.


AsTableValuedParameter<T>(IEnumerable<T>, String)

Used to pass a IEnumerable<SqlDataRecord> as a TableValuedParameter.

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public static SqlMapper.ICustomQueryParameter AsTableValuedParameter<T>(this IEnumerable<T> list, string typeName = null)
where T : IDataRecord


IEnumerable<<T>>listThe list of records to convert to TVPs.

| | System.String | typeName | The sql parameter type name.


Type Parameters
  • T


Parses a data reader to a sequence of data of the supplied type. Used for deserializing a reader without a connection, etc.

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public static IEnumerable<T> Parse<T>(this IDataReader reader)


IDataReaderreaderThe data reader to parse results from.


Type Parameters
TThe type to parse from the reader.

Parse(IDataReader, Type)

Parses a data reader to a sequence of data of the supplied type (as object). Used for deserializing a reader without a connection, etc.

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public static IEnumerable<object> Parse(this IDataReader reader, Type type)


IDataReaderreaderThe data reader to parse results from.

| | Type | type | The type to parse from the <code data-dev-comment-type="paramref" class="paramref">reader</code>.



Parses a data reader to a sequence of dynamic. Used for deserializing a reader without a connection, etc.

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public static IEnumerable<dynamic> Parse(this IDataReader reader)


IDataReaderreaderThe data reader to parse results from.


GetRowParser(IDataReader, Type, Int32, Int32, Boolean)

Gets the row parser for a specific row on a data reader. This allows for type switching every row based on, for example, a TypeId column. You could return a collection of the base type but have each more specific.

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public static Func<IDataReader, object> GetRowParser(this IDataReader reader, Type type, int startIndex = 0, int length = null, bool returnNullIfFirstMissing = false)

Func<IDataReader,System.Object>: A parser for this specific object from this row.

IDataReaderreaderThe data reader to get the parser for the current row from

| | Type | type | The type to get the parser for

| | System.Int32 | startIndex | The start column index of the object (default 0)

| | System.Int32 | length | The length of columns to read (default -1 = all fields following startIndex)

| | System.Boolean | returnNullIfFirstMissing | Return null if we can't find the first column? (default false)


GetRowParser<T>(IDataReader, Type, Int32, Int32, Boolean)

Gets the row parser for a specific row on a data reader. This allows for type switching every row based on, for example, a TypeId column. You could return a collection of the base type but have each more specific.

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public static Func<IDataReader, T> GetRowParser<T>(this IDataReader reader, Type concreteType = null, int startIndex = 0, int length = null, bool returnNullIfFirstMissing = false)

Func<IDataReader,<T>>: A parser for this specific object from this row.

IDataReaderreaderThe data reader to get the parser for the current row from.

| | Type | concreteType | The type to get the parser for.

| | System.Int32 | startIndex | The start column index of the object (default: 0).

| | System.Int32 | length | The length of columns to read (default: -1 = all fields following startIndex).

| | System.Boolean | returnNullIfFirstMissing | Return null if we can't find the first column? (default: false).


Type Parameters
TThe type of results to return.



Called if the query cache is purged via PurgeQueryCache

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public static event EventHandler QueryCachePurged
Event Type
